Monday, February 6, 2012

a little more awake, a lot more sore

Upside: The last few days I've had a bit more energy, not a ton, but more. For example, I haven't taken a nap in the middle of the day for days now! Progress!! I'm still pretty damn tired but progress is progress and I'll take it!

Downside: My body HURTS!!! My whole back (from head to lower back) is very sore during the day and come evening/night my legs start acting up too. My arms are also really tense when I wake up in the mornings but tend to get better after an hour or so. Right now my legs are so sore I can't even imagine going to sleep but I am thoroughly exhausted and ready for sleep!

Mental focus seems hit or miss, I wish I could say that has gotten better. Some days I think I'm doing great, other days I can't concentrate to save my life! Today would be the latter.  Yep, I don't know what else to say... goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are feeling less sore soon! The waiting must be so hard.
