Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's all up in the air

It was just brought to my attention a couple of days ago that my medical leave from work was denied when my short term disability was denied. This doesn't make sense on a couple of levels especially when Leave Management told me that one has nothing to do with the other, but whatever... I also found out my specialist never got documentation to Short Term Disability. As far as I know they should have received everything today. I have also sent an updated medical leave form to Leave Management and am just waiting for the outcome. Hopefully my medical leave at least gets approved and then I can continue to battle it out with Short Term Disability.

As far as side effects go, I was very sick last night and have been very fatigued in general lately. My spirits have been fairly high even with all of the stress from insurance/work bullshit. I've managed to start walking a little more again, maybe close to two miles a day. It still makes me tired after the fact but I'm not as fatigued during the walks. My sleep has been a little off which is probably contributing to my fatigue. My body aches still come and go. Right now it's mainly my neck and upper back. Luckily my legs haven't been giving me as much trouble lately. I'm sure that won't last so hey, I'll take it while I can! On that note I think it's time for some Aleve and a nap!!