Monday, December 5, 2011

I don't like Mondays

As you all know I take my shot on Friday nights. It takes a couple of days to really affect me and yet I am always somewhat surprised at how out of it I feel come Monday. I slept for about nine hours last night, took a two hour nap and am thinking about going back to bed again after only being awake for a total of eight hours today. Wow it's weird to feel like this, I don't really know how to put it into words.

The nausea has not bothered me for at least a week which is a huge blessing! Still dealing with extremely sore muscles, body aches and fatigue but what the hell, I'll take it! My skin has been acting up a bit again but I think that is mostly due to the cold ass weather we've been having! I'm trying to be as careful as I can though as the skin problems I had early on in treatment felt very devastating and I don't want to go through that again!!

My sleep has been all over the place lately so I think it's a good thing that I'm actually tired. There was at least a week where I would not sleep more than four hours a night, had super vivid dreams to the point of feeling like I hadn't slept at all and yet was completely unable to nap during the day. If I was lucky enough to fall asleep it was not restful and made me feel worse upon awakening.

The good news? My long term disability was finally approved through the end of treatment!!!! I need to call my case manager tomorrow (sorry dude, I've been busy sleepin') and double check that everything is in order but as far as I know we're good to go!! Yay!!! What a huge relief given all the bullshit I've been put through since June!

I will try to update again soon I've been so out of it I generally don't know what day it is which makes it tough to keep up on this thing. Thank you all for reading it though it means the world to me!!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing so hard for the best possible outcome for you, and so proud of you working so diligently to take this one head-on... taking your life in your hands with love. Glad that the disability came through, too.
