Thursday, September 8, 2011

7 down, 4 to go

I slept a lot yesterday and went to bed for the night around 10:30 p.m. apparently my body was done sleeping because I've been awake since 3:30 a.m. I'm also feeling really sick the longer I'm awake and it really started to piss me off, then I remembered... The 11th will mark 7 months of treatment which means I only have four more months to go!!!

 I haven't heard back from Short Term Disability yet, I know it's only been a few days but for some reason it feels like a really long time. Thankfully I've positioned myself financially to be off work until after treatment is over, and am staying positive that it will all work out well. The last 24 hours is a perfect example of why I shouldn't be working, I pray they will understand this.

No matter what happens I'm stoked to have gone through treatment. While some moments have felt like a freakin' life time all in all it's moved relatively quickly. All of the side effects (which continue to kick my ass by the way) have taught me so much about myself that I really don't think I would have experienced otherwise, not the way I have anyway.

Back to bed I go. Gotta get lab work done in the morning.

Goodnight (or something like that)

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