Thursday, August 4, 2011

Better or worse?

Treatment is such a frustrating game. While I seem to have a little more energy than I have in weeks past my nausea is kicking in more frequently and my skin is freaking out again! I had a slight reprieve from the skin issues but seemingly overnight it's back. Ugh! Every part of my hairline, my lips, my ears are all drying out; the back of my neck looks rather gross as it doesn't seem to be healing very well. At least it's not my eyelids this time but goddamnit it's uncomfortable and makes me feel just plain ugly. To top it off I'm starting to notice how much my hair is actually falling out. I haven't put much thought into it and haven't noticed clumps of hair so I thought I was fine. Well it just dawned on me that my hairbrush is full of hair everyday. Thank god treatment is working and that this shit is only temporary!

I go back to my specialist on Monday. It was supposed to be this week but they had to reschedule. I don't know if he'll be able to provide me any solutions for these side effects but I will ask and am pretty open to trying anything (that's legal and not addictive of course). If you read this and think of something please leave a comment here. The nausea has become routine enough that I'm more or less used to it (even tho it sucks) it's my skin I'm most concerned with so again if ya think of something please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Very glad you are asking professionals and friends for support on this healing treatment series. Tolerating this does sound irksome. I guess this, to, shall pass, but damn! You have my sympathy.
