Thursday, July 7, 2011

my skin hates me

Behind my ears, on my forehead, eyelids, scalp, back, arms and shins....dry patches. All over the place. Ugh. I feel so gross right now. The steroid cream the doctor gave me is seeming less and less effective. I see her in a week and will ask but until then I better do a damn good job of following her instructions so I can honestly say if it's working or not. It surely doesn't seem to be though.Okay, done venting. Everything else is going pretty good, still tired a lot but that's nothing new.

1 comment:

  1. I wondering what's going on here... immune system going nuts? General eczema (mine responds to moisturizers for light cases or steroids for more intense ones), photosensitivity in concert with Sun exposure, or something else? Glad you're seeing the doc... there are stronger options than topicals but some may be too compromising for your treatment... glad you have a great doctor!
