Last night my mom picked me up from work. We hit up the store to buy all sorts of goodies and head back to her place. Pretty immediately I decide I want to take my shot, just get it over with. After feeling sick off and on all day I found that walking around the store didn't help either, and made me tire rather quickly.
Once we're back at my Mom's house I ran upstairs to pull out all of my instructions and got ready to get down to business. I went through all of the steps to prepare the shot. After the needle is in, the top of the redipen has to be pulled out in order to "dial" the dose. It wouldn't budge. Mom and I both tried, no luck. We decided we should go back to my house, get another shot, and try again. At this point I've laid the redipen down and start getting ready to go. My Mom grabs the pen to package it back up the best she can and it suddenly starts to leak. She grabs it again and sure enough top pulls up easily (just like it was supposed to). Weird, I don't get it, but thank god! I wanted to freak out so bad when it wasn't working, I allowed myself to stay calm though, yay for progress! After a few minutes of contemplation I finally gave myself the shot. It didn't hurt at all and I seem to have got the full dose in. I immediately fell tired which I'm sure was a direct result of stress finally leaving my body. Woke up this morning and seem to be pretty good. I've been a bit shaky and have had a headache off and on, but all in all not too bad.
Rest, rest and more rest. ~leave you a hug~