Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Week 8

I keep wanting to think it's been longer but I started both the shot and the pills on Feb 11 which makes this week eight.

The last few weeks have been pretty trying on me physically and emotionally, too. Most days I feel emotionally strong. I realize this whole thing has an end date and thankfully that puts me at ease most of the time. There are other times it upsets me greatly, especially when my mind tells me I have no right to bitch about how I feel or what's going on because I'm choosing to go through treatment and this is just how it has to be.

The fact is I contracted Hepatitis C from blood transfusions at birth. Without those blood transfusions I wouldn't be alive. I'm glad I am alive, but it sucks that this is what I get to deal with. At least I have options. I can work toward being healthy and possibly clearing this stupid virus that could potentially kill me, or I could do nothing and worry about some day developing liver cancer or cirrhosis. Today I choose to take steps at becoming as healthy as possible. That includes going through this treatment.

But let me tell you, this shit is hard! It's basically chemo and of course when you're pumping your body full of toxins it's going to react. Not only am I fatigued most every day but lately I've been dealing with dry skin and a great deal of nausea, diarrhea, and heartburn. I've averaged one day a week where I've had to stay home from work mainly to just sleep and let my body settle. Today was one of those days.

Of all things my specialist is concerned about the rash/bruising that seems to be happening so easily lately. My skin is very dry and therefore rather itchy. Nearly every time I scratch my skin I'm leaving red marks and a lot of the time they are staying for a long time. They look more like rashes or bruises of some sort. I go in on the 25th to see about all that. It could mean my body isn't responding well to the treatment but hopefully it's "normal" and they can give me something. More than anything I want this to work, I want to clear this. The idea of my body rejecting treatment is something I really can't handle right now.

Well, there you have it. I have just spent the majority of Wednesday sleeping and eating bread and water. I'm headed back to bed after my longest attempt at being awake today, a grand total of 3.5 hours! I hope to wake up in the morning with a calm stomach and a little less tired than I've been the days prior.