As soon as i got to work on Friday my stomach started giving me problems. I felt as if I couldn't leave work so I stayed and roughed it out. That was quite possibly the longest day at work in some time. Not only was I running back and forth from the restroom, I don't feel I accomplished much of anything when I was at my desk. Friday night my shot went extremely well especially considering how sick I was still feeling. I went to bed early and woke up not feeling sick on Saturday however I was extremely exhausted and slept most of the day.
Yesterday I made plans to go to late lunch/early dinner with a friend at 4:15. We shared a basket of tater tots and I had a little bit (more like hardly touched) crab mac'n'cheese. I even mentioned to my friend I would probably get sick if I tried to eat but could at least take it home for later. Well, sure enough I was running to the bathroom before I knew it. My stomach stayed extremely upset all night and I finally just forced myself to fall asleep.
Today I woke up and within twenty minutes thought I might throw up. I still tried to get ready for work but just couldn't do it. Even now my stomach is just in knots and I don't know how to make it better. After struggling to make it through work on Friday I figured staying home and taking it easy today was the best thing I could do for myself. In an attempt to settle my stomach I just might go through an entire loaf of Dave's Killer Bread today. So far I've consumed a half cup of coffee and about eight slices of toast. I'd love to fall asleep and wake up "all better" however I really am not tired and the thought of laying in bed not able to sleep pisses me off to no end.
Too much information for you? Yeah, probably huh. However this blog was created with the intention of giving a true break down of what my life is like through treatment, so there ya have it.
Now I'm going to read a book and watch the sky change from blue and white to gray and back again. After I mentioned not feeling tired I think I might be, so hey, that works too!