So here I just said about ten days ago that the nausea had been gone for awhile. It stayed away until about three days ago when I started feeling much worse and it has more or less stayed for now. Watching what I eat, drinking ginger tea and taking all the required supplements in the world don't seem to be making a damn bit of difference right now either. The positive side? At least I'm not struggling with this at work! I remember how horrible the nausea was during the four months I was still working and I seriously wanted to die. I was so unable to focus, afraid to eat or even talk at times. Since being on leave I've fully learned how to truly take it easy and relax which has made this whole process so much better! Definitely something I couldn't have accomplished had I stayed working!
I've also been able to nap a lot easier these days so I don't feel as sleep deprived as I have in the past. It still comes in waves and most nights I'm not sleeping very well at all actually, but at least my naps (about 3 hours on average) are pretty solid and help keep those zombie-like states I was so often in to a minimum!
Right now it is almost midnight, my stomach is in knots, and my body is tired and sore. My mind is pretty damn awake and I have no true desire to attempt sleep though my eyes feel a little heavy. So yeah, there are still days (like today) that it sucks to be alive but I know the end result is totally worth it! Just a little over a month to go!!