Yesterday morning started out great. I woke up early, spent time with friends before work, then came home to finish getting ready for work. Right before I left the house a panic attack set in, seemingly out of nowhere. I tried to put myself together but found myself sobbing every time I thought of leaving the house. This is not good. I kept trying to regulate my breathing, tell myself I was going to be okay, and so on. For whatever reason that just didn't work. So instead I slept, listened to ambient music and did my best to relax. Still feeling pretty nuts I figured it was time to enlist the help of my friends and get the hell out of my own head! My friend came over around 2pm, we talked for awhile then went to a plant store, ate at grilled cheese grill and kept all conversation loving and light hearted. It helped so much!
I also set up an appt to see my psychiatrist this morning and totally overslept :( this of course kicked me back into freak out mode but after talking to my doctor we simply set up an appt for Monday morning instead. Crisis averted!
I'm now on my way to work. I can tell my anxiety is a little high but hopefully will be bearable. I also am doing my best to ask the universe to take these feelings from me so I can be the best employee, friend, and daughter possible today.
Alright, time to do a little reading then get my day started!