Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Final Shot

Around 11:30pm 1/13/20012 I took what will hopefully be my last interferon shot, EVER! It's funny to me how easy it is to give myself shots now however eleven months ago I was more scared of giving myself a shot than the side effects. Of course I can see the underlying fear of not knowing what was going to happen probably played into that more than I realized at the time, but still.

Now the fear becomes going back into the real world. On the last day of treatment (Jan 20th) I will have been out of work exactly seven months. That is a trip! I feel so incapable of working it's bizarre! I'm doing my best to stay positive and remember that as my energy returns reentering the working world will not feel as difficult as I'm making it in my head. Today if I were to try to work a full eight hours I would die, been there, done that, we know this. Hopefully in a few weeks that will no longer be the case. I'm also excited to get back to the gym and hopefully have an appetite again which will help me eat more regularly. I have a new lease on life and I intend to use it to the fullest!

I still intend to update this blog at least for a little while to document how quickly side effects leave, or if they stick around, etc... While I won't have a truly clean bill of health for six more months I cannot express how excited I am to have the chapter of treatment over with. I don't take any of this for granted, I do know how blessed I am to have the chance to get well, but goddamn after the stress of nausea, fatigue, and muscle aches on top of all the insurance/work bullshit I've had to deal with over the last year I am very happy to move on to the next adventure!